Elan Miller

My passion started as a seven-year-old boy and has continued to grow since. My very first reptile was a Ball Python also known as a Royal Python her name was Shiba. I  loved and cared for her and fed her too. I had all different types of animals from lizards to rabbits, dogs, and cats, rats you name it, I had it. I showed my love and care to all of the animals that I owned. So it has been my mission to sell quality and healthy reptiles and animals. As well as their food. I also want to teach you how to care for them to feed and their husbandry.

There is no doubt that having a pet can bring untold joy to someone’s life. When most people think about a pet, dogs and cats probably come to mind first. But, reptiles also make great pets. If you are among the people who would prefer to have a snake, lizard, turtle, or other reptiles as a pet.